The Regular Expression Playground is old. There are much better tools now. If you are looking for a tool to test regular expressions, I recommend regular expressions 101.

Show matches/substitutions

Ignore case (i)
Global (g)
Multi-line (m)

  • . matches any character
  • \d, \w, and \s match digit, word character, and whitespace
  • \D, \W, and \S (negate) match non-digt, non-word character, and non-whitespace
  • + one or more times
  • * zero or more times (greedy)
  • *? zero or more times (lazy)
  • ? zero or one time
  • ^ matches beginning of line
  • $ matches end of line
  • {n,m} n to m times (inclusive), {n} exactly n times
  • [0-9] or [ABCdef] matches one character in set
  • [^0-9]+ leading circumflex (^) negates, so matches one or more non-digits
  • | match either pattern to left or pattern to right
  • () to define groups (referenced as $1, $2, ...)
  • \ for literal next character — e.g., \? for literal question mark and \\ for backslash (\)
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